*** Français (for English scroll down) ***
Édition bilingue Russe-Français avec le texte parallèle
“Si vous jugez vous ne comprenez pas”
La nouvelle Le Coupon Falsifié, également publié en français sous le titre "Le Faux Coupon", raconte les conséquences de la falsification d’un coupon, tout d’abord les malheurs en cascade qui en découlent : démission, licenciements, faux témoignage, vols, lynchages, assassinats, puis par les paroles de la plus simple des femmes le retour dans un cercle vertueux. Les personnages se croisent et les interactions touchent toutes les couches de la société, du tsar aux moujiks.
Les actions sont rapides, à peine décrites, seules les conséquences intéressent l'auteur. Les personnages apparaissent et disparaissent, seul le coupon, qui représente le mal, et le bagnard Stépane, qui représente le bien, sont les héros de cette nouvelle.
*** English ***
Kindle bilingual edition (Russian - French parallel texts)
French & Russian easy readers: If you are learning or improving your French or Russian as second language, grab this bilingual edition containing a bilingual edition of this masterpiece. An easy to read paragraph by paragraph Russian-French parallel text version.
* On Kindle Paperwhite and Kindle Fire or on newer devices and on Android tablet and smartphone, text is displayed in two columns, one for each language. On older devices, iPad/iPhone and on the "look inside" site preview, the text will be displayed by alternate paragraphs between the two languages.
** Rotate your device in landscape mode could enhance the visualization of some paragraphs.
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Other bilingual parallel text books/eBooks by the same editor
“Since you judge, it means obviously that you don't know”
The Falsified Coupon is a novella in two parts by Leo Tolstoy. In Part I, schoolboy Mitya is in desperate need of money to repay a debt, but his father angrily denies him assistance. Dejected, under the instigation of a friend Makhin, Mitya simply changes a 2.50 rouble bond coupon to read 12.50 roubles, but this one evil deed sets off a chain of events that affects the lives of dozens of others, when his one falsehood indirectly causes a man to murder a woman at the end of Part I, and then seek redemption through religion in Part II.
Having written the novella in his dying years, after his excommunication, Tolstoy relishes the chance to unveil the "pseudo-piety and hypocrisy of organized religion." Yet, he maintains an unwavering belief in man's capacity to find truth, so the story remains hopeful, especially in Part II, which shows that good works can affect another as in a domino effect, just as evil does in Part I. The novella has also been translated with the title "The Forged Coupon", "The Counterfeit Note" and "The Forged Banknote".