[(How I Lost 36,000 Pounds : A New Approach to the Problem of Obesity Scientific and Clinical Facts Concerning Obesity)] [By (author) Mel Anchell M D] published on (April, 2006)

  • Année de publication : 2006
  • Genres :
    Bande dessinée
    Beau Livre
    Littérature Française
    Scolaire du primaire au lycée
    Policier &suspense
    Science Fiction
  • Nombre de page : pages
  • Prix éditeur : 22,93
  • Source : Amazon


Do you struggle with a weight problem? Are you disappointed with low calorie and fad diets? In the revolutionary weight loss guide "How I Lost 36,000 Pounds: Real Cause of and Cure for Obesity," author Mel Anchell, M.D. advocates a re-education of the person with the clinically proven, healthful, non-starvation diet resulting in a permanent normal weight without debilitating exercise. Dr. Anchell draws on verified, scientific obesity research and more than forty years of real clinical observations substantiating this research with thousands of everyday patients in a real clinical setting. He shares his findings on the following topics: Understanding obesity-The TRUTH The Real Obesity Cause and Cure Practical concerns The cholesterol craze-an Expose' [absolute must reading] The dietary TRUTHS in "How I Lost 36,000 Pounds" results in normal and healthy permanent body weight. Caloric intake or exercise are not the answer. However, those not under the personal physical care of Dr. Anchell should not regard any communication from him, including the information contained in "How I Lost 36,000 Pounds," as a doctor-patient discussion. An obesity textbook for laymen and physicians. "How I Lost 36,000 Pounds" is based on scientific obesity facts substantiated by repeated, critical clinical observations.

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