[(How to be the Parent You Always Wanted to be)] [ By (author) Adele Faber, By (author) Elaine Mazlish ] [April, 2014]
- Année de publication : 2014
- Genres :
Bande dessinée
Beau Livre
Littérature Française
Scolaire du primaire au lycée
Policier &suspense
Science Fiction
- Nombre de page : pages
- Prix éditeur :
- Source : Amazon
How To Be The Parent You Always Wanted To Be features fresh stories, cartoon illustrations, answers to commonly asked questions, exercises designed to sharpen your parenting skills, and audio dramatizations that demonstrate the skills in action. It addresses struggles parents face every day, in a popular culture saturated with sarcasm, put-downs, preaching, threats, name-calling, and accusations. Loaded with practical wisdom and proven methods, this new multi-media edition demonstrates simple, proven skills that make relationships with children of all ages less stressful and more rewarding. Even if you never participated in a Faber/Mazlish workshop or read any of their award-winning books, you'll strengthen your ability to: - deal with your children's strong emotions - set firm limits and still maintain good will - express your angry feelings without being hurtful - engage your children's cooperation - resolve family conflicts peacefully
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