Remember Who You Are: Remember 'Where' You Are and Where You 'Come' From (Paperback) - Common

  • Année de publication : 2012
  • Genres :
    Bande dessinée
    Beau Livre
    Littérature Française
    Scolaire du primaire au lycée
    Policier &suspense
    Science Fiction
  • Nombre de page : pages
  • Prix éditeur : 40,99
  • Source : Amazon


David Icke has been a trailblazer for more than two decades, warning of the coming global facist/communist state that is now unfolding on the television news and in our daily experience. He was subjected to mass ridiculae and called a madman - but events have proved him right, and continue to do so. Remember Who You Are breaks massive new ground as David connects the dots between apparently uncon...

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